Preferred Trust is a custodian for self-directed IRA accounts. Offering an opportunity to build substantial retirement wealth, these unique retirement accounts allow investors far greater control and freedom than do traditional IRAs.
Self-directed IRAs are different from traditional accounts, which are limited by rules that prohibit alternative investments. For example, with traditional IRAs, investors cannot utilize retirement funds to purchase real estate, precious metals, or other non-publicly traded assets. No matter which alternative investments you select, a Preferred Trust self-directed IRA offers much more freedom to diversify your financial portfolio.
Why be Limited by IRAs?
As a seasoned investor, you want greater ease, flexibility, and control over your retirement dollars. You certainly won’t get that from a traditional IRA, which locks you out of participation in alternative investments and locks you into returns controlled by the stock market. Your ability to diversify investments will lead to greater returns for retirement.
By allowing alternative investments, a self-directed IRA opens the doorway to solid, long-term income growth and increased portfolio values. Choose from a diversity of investment possibilities, including non-publicly traded assets. Self-directed IRAs offer experienced investors an opportunity to leverage marketplace knowledge to increase investment returns. Invest in what you know and enjoy, such as real estate or precious metals.
See IRS Publication 560 and IRS Publication 590 for more details regarding IRAs.
Build the Value of Your Current Portfolio
With traditional IRA accounts, investors are limited by rules that block them from attractive alternative investment opportunities. With a Preferred Trust self-directed IRA, seasoned investors have an opportunity to take portfolios to the next level. You may choose from a wide range of alternative investment funding options.